Saturday, 1 February 2020

How reporters from the "examiner live" assisted police in the biggest farce of all time - Operation Ore

Back in 2011, round about the time when we cracked Roy Stobbs darkweb site, I had to spend a lot of time resting, due to my condition. I still do, but it's nowhere near as bad nowadays as it was then, you'll be glad to hear. And to relax, it often helps me to browse galleries of female models. I just skip over the rude bits, and the images of the beautiful looking creatures that god has made induces a relaxation which helps my condition immensely.

Imagine my shock when I saw, on a normal adult image posting site, and advert for illegal child abuse material!

At first I thought that I'd misread the advertisment. Sometimes they make adult models look like children, but of course everyone knows that they are grown-ups.  I had closed the page, and needed to go in my browser cache, with all those strangely named files.

Simply select all and drag them onto an open browser window, and you'll see every site that you've visited, since you last cleaned it.

And there it was - a banner ad promoting illegal (sexual) images of children for sale.

In my semi-conscious state, an induced day-dream like torpor that I use in lieu of sleep, I experienced a deep and excruciating disturbance - like a screaming sound, from those children who were being exploited. This is something that I cannot stand; even if this turned out to be a honeypot, I was still enraged to the point of utter single-minded hatred for whoever had authored such a disgusting item.

To say that this caused me literal physical pain would be an understatement - I was frozen for at least ten minutes, while the spasms took their toll. All this pain, and revulsion, and fear for the lives of the innocent, focused into a single, one-pointed aggression, that I would seek out and destroy whoever was behind this, be they paedophile or hunter. The very idea that a real police force or detective would have anything to do with such a bizarre notion, that they could get away with posting adverts for live child abuse, seemed so ludicrously unprofessional that I laughed at the ridiculous and preposterous idea.

But – guess what! I hacked into their system in less than ten minutes. I put in an order for $4000 worth of material, using a card with no credit, so that I could not possibly be accused of attempting to purchase any material.  This gave me the address of the back-end.  A quick scan revealed that this was  a windows network - and the netbios ports were wide open. I was able to access "file and printer sharing" on the remote, without a password! The fools had shared their entire "C:" drive to the entire universe.

And it turns out that this was hosted at a police station in Texas. On the drive were mugshots of all the officers, the fake child banners, and a whole set of recent holiday snaps showing how they'd spent the budget of operation ore - sipping pina coladas on Miami beach, and gambling their "hard-earned" illgotten gains at the casinos in LA.

They also had a lot of paintball guns - but, on closed inspection, some of the weapons turned out to be real. And dangerous. So they had an arms cache, and were promoting illegal images of children!
Could it be that someone at their department had planned to actually sell illegal material, and "operation ore" was a cover for a real paedophile ring - posing as a police operation?

Next, I did two things. Firstly, I explained to my comrade, using hand signs and grunts, what I had stumbled upon.

I gave him a USB containing the images from the remote, and requested him to create some "wanted" posters.

Then I went into my hacking repository to dig out some software that could send the posters to remote printers. My idea was that we would bombard every open printer on the internet with the posters.

Secondly, I tracked down an open security camera at the location of the target.  The first one I found seemed to be looking at what could be a police station - and, as luck would have it, I got the right taget straight away. So I had them on cam.

All the lights were out, because it was the middle of the night in Texas.

We got the cam up on every monitor in our base, and waited for the scan of the open printers. In less than a few minutes, we had a list of thousands of open devices.  At exactly 9:30, when the countdown hit zero, my colleague hit the "send" button, and those images were automatically printed at schools, libraries, colleges, businesses, and also at airports, cafes, nightclubs - anywhere with an unsecured printer.

And ALL the lights came on at the Texas nick - every light, including the spotlights around the outside, and I could see a small fat man running around in panic.

Scanning the contents of their drive, I found a spreadsheet containing the names, addresses, and credit card details of the suspects who had ordered the online material.

Since the operation had targeted our area in the UK (West Yorkshire), there were quite a few that I recognised! It turns out that The Parish in Huddersfield comprised a veritable hotbed of child-abuse consumers, with no less than three different cards, and SEVEN different persons! Needless to say, I never went there again.

Right at this moment, a group of students, wearing guy-fawkes masks, came to the door, and they had copies of the wanted posters on their laptops - they had been "wardriving", and they had intercepted our transmission out of interest. They asked if they could join our team. We greeted them, and filled them in; they already knew about the botched police op.

The "police" (not anymore!) had deliberately set me up, and were overjoyed when I clicked the order button.

They were expecting to surprise me, and began to barricade the door. However, we had a camera trained on the passage-way, and saw them coming. They charged full pelt with their battering ram, just as the door mysteriously swung open on an improvised counter-balance hastily designed and constructed for that exact purpose (in the same time that it took those officers to walk from their car, through the passage, and onto the exterior balcony at the front of the house).

And they went sailing through the clear pathway, forming a graceful yet gormless arc into nowhere, as they crashed into a heap of cardboard boxes, with an ironing board precariously balanced thereupon, which descended with a resounding thump onto the, now supine, group of former police officers who had literally barged their way out of the police force, shattering their careers with no hope of ever being allowed near a police station again (except for the cells, where they now reside).  Hector the amazing guard dog then proceeded to lick the intruders into submission, thinking perhaps to drown them with his saliva, or cause them to slip even further than laying down flat on the floor, something that these particular officers would probably do, given that stupidity, ignorance, arrogance and greed know no bounds.

Just as the detectives came in, we had relieved the officers of their badges, radios and cards, and wallets, and had them cuffed with their pants down, ready for a strip-search.

The battering ram we hurled over a cliff into oblivion, "to rock and to ride"(- Arthur McBride, trad).

Imagine their surprise when we presented them with a mugshot poster - of their own faces - with the caption "WANTED - Violent Sex Offender at large" and the child-porn banners and the live weapons inset.

And on the camera feed, we could see that the Texas former police station was surrounded by FBI - the former officers there were in a similar state to our Yorkshire ones - pants down, hands cuffed behind their heads, being frogmarched into a blacked-out van.

The Anons had setup a projector, and the reporters were busy filming collapse of our police force, but when they saw what was on the screen, they turned a strange shade of greeny violet.

We could see parts of the weapons cache, but we did not wish to see anything of the FBI operation, without being invited, so we disabled the camera remotely.

And the "reporters" of "The Examiner" had the whole thing on film! Naturally, the police confiscated their equipment, and smashed up all the evidence of the farcical shit-parade that operation ore had now become.

So this is how two men and an Alsatian can overcome a gang of corrupt, malicious, and very stupid, criminals who had somehow managed to obtain positions of trust within the establishment.

Over and out.

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