Saturday, 1 February 2020

Examiner Reporters framed Tommy Robinson for contempt and deliberately put his life in danger

It came as no surprise to me that "reporters" from The Examiner had deliberately endangered Tommy Robinsons' life, as a part of their direct and ongoing support for Islamic terror groups.

These were the same reporters who framed me for publishing the names of a ring of sex offenders that I had discovered (evidence submitted to the police was routinely destroyed - I had no choice but to use open-source intelligence to protect my family) who were directly linked to the Republican Army, ISIS, and Da'ash.

The "Examiner Live" is a part of the mirror group, as is "Leeds Live". Neither of these publications are trusted or respected among our local community here in the West Riding.

Why LeedsLive published part of Tommy Robinson’s address

And yet the corrupt magistrate, Michael Fanning, issued a court order preventing me from naming the perpetrators - knowing full well that this would put me in danger, because the only thing that prevented these thugs from killing me was that I had made their identities known to the public at large.

The court-order itself provides an irrevocable list of the terrorist/child-abuse rings that operate in the West Riding. I will supply a copy to any interested party.

Over and out.

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