Sunday, 26 January 2020

Pedophiles with their sickening hobby - their "Christopher" Hobby (aka Kris Manalien)...

Thanks to "convicted trolls" for pointing out this one - his name is "Christopher John Hobby", also known as "Kris Manalien" (alien - "join the human race" is a phrase often directed at child abusers and rapists).

It's interesting how perverts drop these "little" clues, imagining them to be visible only to other sex offenders.  Often it is their names - "Christopher Robin" must be a favourite among pedophiles, and "The Hobby" is what Julian Levine called his filthy habit.

Andrew Robinsons Reporter, best friends with convicted sex offender Neil Gilpin
Take a look at Andrew Robinsons' facebook page - he is known to be best friends with convicted sex offender Neil Gilpin
So if you notice something peculiar about a persons page on facebook or twitter, for example, a header featuring small children being approached by an adult, then you know for sure that it's a NONCE signalling to the other nonces that it's a place to buy and sell children for rape.

He (Hobby) has messaged me, and put up a blog post that is obviously targeting myself.  I don't expect his site to exist for much longer, so I've archived it:

And here's some more clues:

So it couldn't be more obvious really - Christopher Hobby you're a NONCE


  1. Andrew Robinson of the "huddersfield examiner" was best friends with convicted rapist Neil Gilpin and played a large role in Gilpins' acquittal in 2012.

    1. and here, of course
