Thursday, 30 January 2020

The Examiner threatens the rape gang victims, labelling them as far-right islamophics

Examiner Live Rapist

This article from The Examiner, entitled Huddersfield grooming gang: The Islamophobia issue, constitutes a direct threat to the victims of the asian rape gangs, warning them that if they speak out against the horrendous abuse that they had been suffering, they would be labelled as racist, islamophobic, and linked with Tommy Robinson and the EDL.

The phrases EDL  and ROBINSON both appear in the URL slug (the permalink) of the article - but scarcely a mention is to be found in the actual text!

However a bold photo of Steven Yaxley-Lennon appears part way down the page, with a headline of how he broke the contempt law.

Here's the article verbatim:

Huddersfield grooming gang: The Islamophobia issue

Our court reporter on why Asian grooming gangs are exaggerated by the far right

Huddersfield is the latest Yorkshire town where it has been revealed that a group of South Asian men adhered to the crime model of grooming vulnerable, mainly white girls for sex.
It joins other nearby towns and cities such as Keighley, Bradford and Rotherham, as well as more than a dozen towns and cities across England such as Rochdale, Peterborough, Newcastle, Oxford, Bristol and Telford, where hundreds – if not, thousands – have been exploited over the last few decades.
Obviously this is in no way to say that grooming gangs are not a problem or to diminish the abuse that anyone suffered – or continues to suffer – at their hands. But the fact is that sexual abuse is disgusting no matter what race or religion is behind it.
According to the latest statistics published by the Ministry of Justice, white men are the most common sex offenders, accounting for 77% of all male prosecutions in 2016. To be fair, this could be explained by the much higher percentage of white people in the population.
But in the same year, black men were actually the most common sex offenders per capita with the rate of prosecutions at 25 per 1,000.
Asians accounted for 7% of the prosecutions for sex crimes in England and Wales in 2016.

According to the 2011 Census, Asians were 7% of the UK's total population, but it is likely to have increased from then.
What this means is that Asian men are not the most common sex offenders in England and Wales , no matter whether you look at it overall or per capita, and therefore this ethnic minority is actually responsible for a minority of sex crimes.
In fact, children are statistically more likely to be sexually abused by a member of their own families than by an Asian grooming gang.
But there is a prejudice against whites at play when Asian men target 'our' girls.

Tommy Robinson "broke contempt of court laws with his Facebook Live broadcast outside Leeds Crown Court"
LOADINGTommy Robinson broke contempt of court laws with his Facebook Live broadcast outside Leeds Crown Court

Earlier this year, one of the victims of the Rotherham grooming gang anonymously wrote a very informed and intelligent piece on this issue for the Independent.

In it, she said that grooming gangs are upheld by religious extremism and even went so far as to compare them to terrorist networks. But even she - having very good reason to allow herself to be tempted to take the racist approach - condemned the work of people like Stephen Yaxley-Lennon aka Tommy Robinson , saying he doesn't speak for her, and said that she and other survivors are 'uncomfortable' with the EDL's protests.

In her own words, she 'experienced horrific, religiously sanctioned sexual violence and torture' and described how her main abuser beat her as he quoted scriptures from the Quran to her. And in Oxford, it was said that sexual assaults were particularly sadistic.
But, despite what some right-wing media and extremists want you to think, the fact is this isn't actually the case with every Asian grooming gang in the news.
It's a point that the prosecutor of the Rochdale grooming gang, Nazir Afzal, has already made.

nazir afzal

I prosecuted this lot and most of that lot

There is no community where women & girls are safe & listened to, we can make it so

9:55 PM - May 18, 2017
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4,591 people are talking about this

Speaking about the case in an interview with The Guardian in 2014, he said:
There is no religious basis for this. These men were not religious.
"Islam says that alcohol, drugs, rape and abuse are all forbidden, yet these men were surrounded by all of these things. So how can anyone say that these men were driven by their religion to do this kind of thing?
"They were doing this horrible, terrible stuff, because of the fact that they are men. That’s sadly what the driver is here. This is about male power. These young girls have been manipulated and abused because they were easy prey for evil men."
In an interview with the New Statesman earlier this year, he described the ethnicity of street groomers as 'an issue', but gave more weight to the night-time economy that they often work in, the availability and vulnerability of the young girls who are often around it and the community's silence and lack of action to tackle the problem.
And I believe, based on the evidence heard in court, that what he said is also true of the Huddersfield grooming gang.
Not all of the victims in the Huddersfield case were white - a commonality in cases such as Rochdale and Newcastle which is not often reported by the media.
The ringleader, Amere Singh Dhaliwal, converted to Sikhism after the abuse. He wears a turban, carried a kirpan in it and swore on the Guru Granth Sahib before taking to the witness stand. Raj Singh Barsran, who hosted many of the 'parties' in his house, is also a Sikh.
We shouldn't focus on race and religion and the discourse should be about something much more important - for a start, the causes of hebephilia and ephebophilia.

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